Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Sheriff in town!!!

This picture was taken before the election. Kooper was dressed up for Halloween.

Sorry I haven't posted for a while! It's been a little crazy around here! Of course, I had to help a little with the campaigning for my son, Josh. He is now officially the new sheriff in Taylor County and my husband, Lonnie is now officially retired! Wow, it's hard to believe, but life goes on! The election was a week ago Tuesday, late night finding out the results, then Josh's birthday was Thursday, with Momma fixing supper. Took care of Kooper while Josh and Tara went to football game on Friday night. Went to K.C. Saturday and Sunday to see Linds and go to a quilt show and antiquing. Monday afternoon was slow in the beauty shop, so decided to make another trip to K.C. to try and promote the Farmer's Dotter. I went to 3 different guild meetings and 5 different quilt shops! Hope it helps! Please call and make reservations! Come for just a day or stay for 2 or 3 days!


  1. love the pictur just to cute. you must be one proud mom.

  2. Congratulations on your families excitment--- I am sure your are a very proud "mom"---cute picture. Carolyn
