We are having a major snow-storm here in Iowa today! I took this picture this morning before the winds really got to blowing. They say we are having winds 30-35 miles per hour and could have 6 or more inches before it's all over. Another good day to stay in and quilt!

My messy sewing room!
I've been cutting kits for my Itty Bitty quilts. I am planning on going to the AQS show in Des Moines next fall and a few other shows thru the year, so decided I could use these snow days to cut a few kits.

Strips for vintage Itty Bitty boy kits. I LOVE antique looking quilts and when I use the old fabrics and wash the quilts a few times they look antique! If anyone is interested in a kit they are $25.5o and the pattern is $8.50. Buy both for $32.50 plus tax. Contact me at
farmersdotter@frontiernet.net if you're interested. I have kits in boy and girl colors and vintage or new fabrics. I will have these at the show in Des Moines or any other shows I do. I also take a few along when I do trunk shows.

Another view of my messy sewing room right now! That's what we get for being creative, right? Having another group retreat the 1st weekend in March, so will have to get it cleaned up before then! I have lots of other weekends available if anyone is interested! Springtime is my favorite time of year and my gardens are the prettiest then, so give me a call. Spring is just about 7 weeks away, right!! The month of May is a great time to visit Bedford, as we have Rainbow Iris Farm here to visit. It really is a sight to see!